The entire Bible is a beautiful love story between Christ and His Bride. Jesus is the only One who can satisfy our hearts deepest desires. As His brides, we are set-apart from worldly affairs, to do the greater works of Christ and live a life full of His great love.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

"Father, Forgive them"

“Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” – Luke 23:34

While He was hanging on the Cross, Jesus spoke 7 times. Each time His words sketched a clear picture of His love for sinners and His intimate relationship with His heavenly Father. Even despite the excruciating pain, Jesus noticed other people and tried to help them.
In the period before His crucifixion, Jesus’ relationships had also suffered. The 12 friends who had accompanied Him for 3 years deserted Him, Peter denied Him and Judas betrayed Him. The Jewish people for whom He had come, rejected His offer of salvation and had Him crucified. Despite the agony He was suffering on the Cross. Jesus prayed for those that rejected Him and had Him crucified. He prayed that His Father should forgive them because they did not understand the impact of their actions.

The unconditional love and forgiveness of Jesus are still available to you. You can confess your sins with confidence because He is prepared to forgive them!

-         Derived from Living in God’s Love, Nina Smit

Thursday, 30 January 2014

God's Grace - The Cross

My human mind cannot fathom the fact that God, our Lord and Saviour, is so generous and loves us so so much that He sent the one thing that He loved the most, His only begotten Son to die for US, you and me, on the Cross, so that we may be saved. Imagine if Jesus didn’t die for us.. We would be living our lives like the people of the Old Testament did, to some extent. We will be commiting sins, and paying for them at the same time, because as the Bible says, the wages of sin is death. BUT, the miracle that happened is when God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth, to understand what life is like as a human, to bring us closer to God. Therefore God sacrificed His Son for us, so that we may not have to pay the debts of sin, instead with the intention that we may be forgiven for our trespasses! That is grace on another level!

By commiting this act of selflessness, Jesus Christ has done EVERYTHING for us. The only thing that is left is unmerited favour! He only requires us to receive this blessing, or rather this gift, by believing in our hearts that He has died and risen again, for us, and by confessing this with our mouths. Like sho! Jesus has literally done all the work for us, all we have to do is receive this gift! It almost sounds way to be good to be true. Like how can somebody give up their entire life on our behalf, in the most painful and gruesome way, so that people that hasn’t even met Him yet, can be saved?? But that is the beauty of God’s grace! Jesus did it ALL for those that believe! We just have to receive it!

Until we grasp what the significance about the events that occurred on the Cross of Calvary is, we will keep treating fellow humans without the love and compassion that God has showed us. Once you have the life of God living inside of you, nothing can take it away!

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Forgiven by God

I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more," says the Lord. - Hebrews 8:12

One of the greatest blessings that God has given us is the promise of forgiveness. Though we fail time and time again, God is faithful to forgive us when we confess our sins. This confession, however, is not merely a recitation of our obvious mistakes, but also a recognition of our willful choices and OUR disobedience to God's ways.

When we bring these failings to the light of God's LOVE, the Bible tells us that God not only forgives those sins, but He also FORGETS them. It is our own inability to forget our own sins, that is holding us back and often causes a lot of us to deter off God's righteous path.

Until we understand that God forgives us for our sins, and we realize the grace, and compassion He has shown us, will we realize that through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, we are made holy and blameless in His sight. As Ephesians 1:7 says, "In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us".

So we should not only receive the gift of forgiveness that God blesses us with, but also rejoice in God's loving forgetfulness with regards to our sins.

What a blessing it is to be forgiven by God!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Surrendering to Christ

God intended for us as young Christian women to live a life that is completely and fully transformed by the power, life and radiance of our Heavenly Prince. For us to live lives that are not our own, but Christ’s’, for He lives within us. Unfortunately, modern femininity falls short of this example of true beauty because we do not understand the reality of who Jesus is meant to be in our lives.

Jesus is not meant to be slipped into our lives whenever it is convenient. He is not meant to be treated as a casual buddy we hang out with every once in a while. Jesus wants to be our LIFE. He wants to occupy every waking thought, action, attitude, word and decision.

Being a Christian means that your life is hid with Christ. You are not your own. You have no time of your own, no money of your own. Christ must become your complete Master.

If you are ready to trade the hollow self-made beauty of this world for the glorious Christ-built beauty of a set-apart young woman, this is where it all begins. Denying self, taking up your cross and following the Lamb wherever He leads. In other words, letting go of all preoccupations with self; our comfort, our pleasure, our agenda, our popularity, our ability to gain the world’s approval, even our own dreams and desires. And as Paul did, treating all those things as rubbish for the excellence of the knowledge of Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings (Phillippians 3:7-9).

At first glance, it sounds like a very scary decision to make. If we stop looking out for our own agendas and become completely preoccupied with Christ, won’t our lives become dull and boring? If we stop pursuing worldly applause, worldly beauty and worldly pleasure, won’t our lives lose all their radiance?

Just the opposite! A life overtaken by the Heavenly Beauty of Christ is the only life truly worth living. Yes, it may include some discomfort, prison, pain or even death, but it also includes triumph, joy, peace and fulfillment in their richest and purest forms. Jesus Christ takes good care of the things we entrust to Him.

When we offer our existence to Him, we may not gain fame, fortune or sex appeal, but we will gain all the riches of His Kingdom. We will gain the lasting loveliness that every woman longs for. We will gain the unshakable fulfillment that the rest of this world spends their entire lives searching for in vain. Not only that, but we will live out the most spectacular real life adventures this world has ever seen.

I don’t know about you, but that sums up everything that I truly desire. I want the kind of beauty and radiance that never fades away. I want to join the ranks of set-apart femininity and glow with the kind of loveliness that all of Heaven cheers.

“...those who catch the vision are ready to follow the Lamb wherever He leads, and as they follow, in this spirit of joyful adventure, their path becomes clear before them and they are given power to fulfill their higher calling. They are those who have the courage to break the conventionalities, who care not at all what the world thinks of them, because they are entirely taken up with the tremendous reality of Christ.” – Bishop Bardley

“The Christian life can be explained only in terms of Jesus Christ, and if your life as a Christian can still be explained in terms of youyour personality, your willpower, your gift, your talent, your money, your courage, your scholarship, your dedication, your sacrifice, or your anything – then altogether you may have the Christian life, you are not yet LIVING it.” 

– Ian Thomas

God's Plan

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

Everything that comes your way this year forms part of God’s plan for your life. God is omniscient and He therefore already knows what is going to happen to you. He is also omnipotent and He can therefore use everything in your life in a positive way. For that reason, you can rely on God totally, instead of making your own little plans.

God has a plan for each of our lives. We have to consider 3 words into our plan this year: initiative, timing and surrender. Swop your own plan for God’s initiative which He sets out in His Word. Work out your carefully and see to it that you do the right thing at the right time. Also, be prepared to accept God’s timing if you are uncertain. 

Finally, surrender your WHOLE life and ALL of your dreams to the Holy Spirit. If He is the pilot of your life, all things will work together for your good.

-         Derived from Living in God’s Love, by Nina Smit

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Deuteronomy Chapter 8 - 10

“Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land the Lord has promised on the oath to your ancestors.” – Deuteronomy 8:1

Deuteronomy Chapter 8 is basically a reminder to us that we should not forget the Lord our God, and all that He has done for us. God instructs us in Deuteronomy 10:12 “…to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good.”

As Christians, living in the modern world today, it is so easy for us to forget what the Lord has done for us in our lives, when we are going through trials and tribulations. This chapter is a reminder to us that we should not forget the Lord. The Bible is instructing us to obey, love and serve the Lord with ALL of our heart and soul, in everything that we do. In Deuteronomy 11:26, the Bible states that this is both a blessing and a curse. If we obey the commands, laws and decrees of the Lord that He has given to us, He will bless us with all that we desire, if it is in His will. However, if we choose to disobey Him, then “the Lord’s anger will burn against you” (Deuteronomy 11:16). Therefore, as 10:20 says, “…fear the Lord your God, and serve Him”. He is the God of all gods and Lord of all lords, the great God, mighty and awesome!

The message that the Lord is bringing to you today is to not forget what God has done for you, no matter what it may be that you are facing. In times of anger, sadness, happiness, etc., we should remember what the Lord has done for us, and praise Him, for He is worthy of praise! Decide right now to honour God’s Name in everything that you do and to give HIM the glory for your success. For as He has sworn to keep His covenant with us, so we should our promises to Him, and obey what he requests and requires from us. That we honour him, do His will, love, serve and obey Him.

Love God with your whole heart and soul., and ask Him to enable you to love your neighbour like this as well. 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Child of God

“So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God.” – 1 Corinthians 4:1

Basically, this scripture speaks about how we as God’s children, ought to be perceived in the world. God’s children are his representatives in the world. As His children, we are the ambassadors of the GREATEST King ever to exist, therefore it is our responsibility to show others who belong to the world and not to God, what He really looks like. Through His Word, we get to know Him, and through prayer, we develop and personal relationship with Him, so we get to know what it is that God expects and intends for us. The only way that unbelievers can come to know more about God is by looking at the lives of God’s children. Others see our faith by the way we live, and this is the only picture that they have of what our Father is like.

God placed YOU in this world to serve Him and others the way that Jesus did. We are the servants to whom God has entrusted the management of His property. However, the possessions of God has given you, do not belong to you either; they belong to GOD. You are merely a steward. Therefore, it is up to us to represent God in the best way that we possibly can, to bring more believers to serve Him, because let’s face it, the world needs more of JESUS.

It is awesome to know that we are the “secret agents” of God, and He has entrusted us, with His secrets to life. We are so privileged! Therefore, I thank the Lord for that He saved me, and by being born again, He has entrusted me (and all of you), with the position of being His secret agent. That is such a blessing in itself! Shine your light that God has blessed you with to all of the Earth!

Be blessed. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

I give myself to you

"My life is not my own, to you I belong, I give myself to you. I give myself away, so you can use me.”

God made the ultimate sacrifice for our sake, by sending His Son to die on our behalf. To die. Imagine losing the one thing that is most precious to you. Imagine losing your child, your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, for the sake of some one else.

I struggle to comprehend the idea that someone would do that, for me, a sinner, unworthy of this sacrifice. I use the term sacrifice very lightly, as Jesus voluntarily bore our sins on the Cross so that we may be saved from an eternity in hell. Despite the countless times that we have sinned and wronged God, He finds each one of us worthy of His love, and worthy of His gift to us. Therefore, personally, I think the LEAST that we can do to show our gratitude (not that He expects any reward for what He has done for us), is to give our lives to Him, and completely and utterly surrender to His Will for our lives. He took the time to formulate a plan and purpose for EACH of our lives before we were even in our mother’s womb! How awesome is it to know that God has given each one of us our own, unique destiny?? 

As His children, He has set us apart from all of those who belong to the world, so that we may rise above all the enemies attempts to take control of our lives.

Jesus is our Saviour, who gave His LIFE, so that we may be saved. There’s no greater love than that.

Jeremiah 1:5

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Who Is God Really?

“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” – Ecclesiastes 11:5

We do not have to try to understand God with our limited human minds because we will never be able to understand Him. However, the central message of the Bible explains who God wants to be for us. Willem Nicol said:
 “God is the Infinite One, the Foundation of our existence. He has a burning desire for us. He paid the highest price to enable us to be part of Him forever. We see Him in Jesus. Basically life for us should consist of being different from others, of no longer living for ourselves, because we follow Jesus. Eternity makes this possible for us because He gives His Spirit to live in us and to lead us.”
This is exactly what God wants to be for you. The reason for your existence. He wants you to be part of Him forever. He sends his Son so that you can be His child, and He gives His Spirit to show you how to live. You no longer have to try to understand Him – you merely have to be still and cherish His love for you.

-         Derived from Living in God’s Love, Nina Smit

Monday, 13 January 2014

Galatians 2:20

"I have been crucified with Christ. 
It is no longer I who live, 
but Christ who lives in me. 
And the life I now live in the flesh, 
I live by faith in the Son of God, 
who loved me and gave himself for me. " 

Romans 6: 22-23

"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you real leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" 
Though Jesus certainly is radically different than the people-pleasing Christians many of us find ourselves being at times, Jesus is not a hammer looking to nail every person in sight either. May God grant us discretion, wisdom and tact as we navigate through this life allowing His spirit to conform us to His image more and more each day.

John 3:16

I truly believe that the story of Jesus' crucifixion is the greatest love story ever told. In fact, it is not a story, but rather the living truth, and it is what inspired me to start this page.

I’m pretty sure most of you are aware of the scripture:
 John 3:16  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
It’s safe to say that this is the “golden” text of the Bible, and also the most familiar. Personally, I find it to be the most magnificent love story ever told. It does not deal with human emotions, nor does it deal with a romantic relationship that men and women have. Rather, it speaks about a love that is unconditional, unchanging, unfailing and all-consuming. It is almost unbelievable that someone can love us to this extent! Do you realize what this means??? It means that no mater what we do, no matter what doubts we have, no matter how many times we walk away from Him, and defy Him, He STILL loves us, unconditionally.

How many times has someone done something to you, which you feel they were unworthy of your forgiveness, let alone, your love? Many times, we as humans have allowed anger and hurt to change the love we have for one another. God will not do that. He loves us regardless of what happens. He does not love us for what we have or have not done, but He loves us because of who HE is. HE is a forgiving God. HE is a compassionate God. HE is an understanding God. He sent His very own Son, Jesus Christ, to earth so that He could understand what it means to be human and the struggles that we face. So God understands your every predicament and circumstance. Regardless of what it may be, He will love us no matter what.

Ladies, imagine being captured by a man who loves you more than life itself; who is willing to take His life for you. Imagine belonging to a man who finds you beautiful in everyway, despite ALL of your flaws. Imagine a man drawing you closer everyday, and loving you in the way that you have always dreamed. Imagine a man that pursues your heart, above all things. Imagine a man that can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart. A love like this does not exist in our imaginations. . It is real and it exists with Jesus Christ, our Saviour. The Bible is a beautiful love story between Christ and His Bride. He tenderly pursues our hearts. Isn’t it beautiful?

Jesus loves us so much that he endured hatred, betrayal, lying, beating, spitting, whipping, crucifixion, the weight of sin, and the wrath of God all so that we could come to know His father. He sacrificed his life and perfect communion with God so that we do not have to spend an eternity in hell, but in heaven with God.

That is the ultimate sacrifice. 

Message to my readers

This is the first page/blog I have created where I intend to openly and honestly share my thoughts in the hopes of inspiring at least one person to live a life that is fully and wholly dedicated to living for God. 

Please keep in mind that I am not a writer, nor am I a poet, but I am indeed a Child of God, and I am proud and unashamed to say that I hope to live a life that is a reflection of God's love.
The scripture Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God. who loved me and gave himself for me", is a perfect example of the experience I wish to share with you all.

It was God's scared intention that we, as His children, are to shine with heavenly beauty and for us to be set apart from worldly pollution, but rather to live lives that is dedicated to serving Him and spreading His love. God desires to offer each one of you hope and a glorious future. All it takes is for you to believe. Believe that He voluntarily went to a rugged, and old Cross to bear the sins of us all so that we may have the opportunity to accept the offer of God's love, through His Son, Jesus Christ and have eternal life. He paid the ultimate price, so that we may be saved.

I pray that all of you will be blessed this evening.
Lots of love